Thursday 25 October 2012

Current Fundraising

Smoky Ridge Old Style BBQ meat sales...
On Thursday Nov 8th your child should be receiving an order form from Smoky Lake Meats, forms are also available on the school website under the Latest News Tab.    A portion of these sales will bring us a little bit closer to reaching our fundraising goal to build the children in Westmount School and the Community of Westmount a playground to enjoy for years to come.  This fundraiser will run until Nov 16th with delivery the following week, (date to be determined), We realize that families cannot support every fundraiser that comes home but if is something that your family will purchase anyway we urge you to take part.  Every dollar raised brings us that much closer to the playground.   

Make mine a large pepperoni, with a playground on the side...

We currently have Dominos Pizza Cards to purchase   The cost of the card is $25.00 and it is valid at Okotoks Dominos thru to Oct 2013.  What's in it for you you ask?  Simple a lot of free pizza!  For $25.00 you get two large 3 topping pizzas in addition you get  15 BOGOs,  buy one get one free.   The best part is a whopping $17.00 from every card sold stays at Westmount School.   This may not seem like a lot but do you know that if every Westmount Student bought one pizza card that would end up being $12, 000 towards our new playground.  Take that money and double it in a matching grant that is $24, 000.  This is a  perfect example on how a little goes a long way.  Don't delay order your card today.  The order form is available on the Westmount School Website or you can request a form by e mailing we would be happy to e mail one to you.  Orders will stay open until Nov 30th.

Meet Penny the Pig...

Anyone who has been in the office has likely seen our friend Penny the Pig. Our swine friend is there to help us collect money for the playground.  Please bring in all your unwanted pennies and other loose change you may have to fill Penny's belly and help bring us closer to our goal of $189, 000.

Meeting our Goal one Bottle at a time....

Bring your bottles into the Okotoks Bottle Depot and tell them you would like to dontate the money to the Westmount Playground.  Do you realize that if every Westmount student donated $10 worth of bottles that would be $7100 towards the playground! This fundraiser is ongoing thank you to everyone that had already dontaed their bottles. 

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